
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Yesterday I had promised to take the kids for a walk but something kept coming up.  Finally, at about 7:30 we were done with everything and I thought a short walk on the trail by our house would satisfy their patient feet.  We didn't even get halfway through the trail when they realized that because we've had so much rain lately the creek would be more than just a mud bed. The first open place to see the creek was really steep for Gavin.  In the picture you can see him standing above the small drop off. We walked down a little more until we reached a good place for them all to put their feet in.  A big tree came out of the ground, roots and all, probably from one of Virginia's flash storms. It towers over the kids and I.  Of course, instead of just getting their feet wet, they threw big rocks and splashed one another until they were soaked.  Haylie and Kaileb ran ahead on the way back and rolled down the grassy hill while waiting for the rest of us.  We spotted some wild grapes on the way out, I guess we will have to come back to check on them from time to time until they ripen.  The last picture is of them teaching Gavin to bear walk on the way home.  We didn't get back until about 8:30, but that was just fine.  Most of the best adventures we have are off the beaten path.

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