
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Georgia sun

We arrived in Georgia just a couple of days ago and have been unloading the car ever since! With 4 kids in tow, we had to bring many items to keep everyone happy. I decided to keep schooling through the summer (if for no other reason than to keep us busy while Nick is working) so we will be dabbling in that here and there.  It's not realistic to expect to be on a schedule like we are during the regular school year, but doing a couple of subjects during the day will at least keep their minds fresh!

 We spent a few hours at the park on the base yesterday, but everyone started to get cranky from the heat.  Afterwards, we went to get some ice cream! Gavin has gotten really good at holding his own silverware and gets really intense if anyone tries to help him put his spoon in the right area.  He is such a joy to watch grow into this toddler stage of life.  We will be looking for things to do in the Augusta area during the day while Nick is off working.

It feels twice as hot here in comparison to Virginia, but I think that's just the humidity.  Finding activities might prove to be difficult with the little ones because of the hot Georgia sun. We are determined though, to make this a fun, beautiful, and memorable trip :)

The pictures above are of our English Bulldog Rocco.  They have absolutely nothing to do with this post, except for the fact that we left him home with my sister because the heat would be unbearable for him.  I already miss his snoring.

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