
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hilton Head

Over the holiday weekend, we had planned to go to Myrtle Beach, but instead traveled to Hilton Head Island.  I'm so glad we did.  We had the most wonderful time.  Everyone was so very friendly, it made the rush, rush, rush feeling of living in the DC area feel like a long ago memory. I'm more of a mountain girl, the beach is fun and all, it's just after living close to the Oregon Coast all your life the East Coast waters don't compare (in my opinion)! I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed myself. Maybe it was that I got to glance over at Nick any time I wanted, or just the change of pace, or maybe that I was able to stop every few minutes and just admire the beautiful places He has created. Whatever it was made it so very special.

On our way back from breakfast the first morning of our stay the kids spotted an alligator in the pond outside our hotel.  They were pretty impressed with that.  I was pretty impressed with the southern hospitality attitude everyone we talked to had.  Honestly, I'm just not use to all the smiling faces. We spent the majority of the day on the beach then headed over to a Pirate mini-golf place to play some putt putt. Afterwards, we went to Hilton Head Ice Cream. If you are ever in that area, you must get some of this homemade Ice Cream!  The shop itself is worth the trip, they have a ton of outrageous decor. The next day we headed to South Beach to see the light house and eat at the infamous Salty Dog Cafe. South Beach was much more private and we really enjoyed that! Kaileb got to hold his first crab and Gavin poked at it a bit. We ended the day with dinner at Lowcountry Backyard Restaurant, another family friendly place everyone should go if they are in the area!

What I fell absolutely in love with was Spanish Moss. Sounds silly when I say that to myself, but I was trying to figure out a way to have my own moss in my yard the entire time!

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